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Aero Dyne-Amic
Aero Dyne-Amic is a proprietary formulation of organosilicone surfactants, oils, emulsifiers, and buffering agents specifically designed for use with insecticides and fungicides that are applied by aerial application.
The addition of Aero Dyne-Amic to a spray tank improves pesticide application by modifying the wetting, spreading, penetration, and deposition characterisics of the applied spray mix.
In addition, Aero Dyne-Amic acts as a buffer and can prevent the decomposition of pesticide active ingredients by adjusting the pH of alkaline water to a more favorable range.
Aero Dyne-Amic is an activator type adjuvant and can positively affect pesticide spray application adn pesticide efficacy.
Optimum application and effects, however, can be influenced by the crop, pest, spray equipment, spray volume, pressure, droplet size, spray mixture, and enviromental factors.
Consequently, it is recommended that careful ocservations of the spray deposit be made and Aero Dyne-Amic rates be adjusted accordingly.
Boiling point: > 300'F
Freezing point: < 35'F
Specific Gravity: 0.985 gms/cc
Solubility in water: 100%
Appearance: Clear, amber liquid
Industrial field others
Helena Chemical Co.
Phone 559-261-9030
Fax 559-261-9250
Address 7576 N. Ingram Ave., Ste. #101 Fresno, CA 93711
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