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Chemical Information Overview  |  Chemical Product  |  Chemical Raw Material  |  Chemical Company
TBFE Q/YSY02.02—1997
t-Butyl ferrocene£¬37.5¡¾2.5% (m/m);Total Fe£¬20.0¡¾1.0%(m/m)
Uses£ºt-Butylferrocene accorded with this standard has excellent storability, and can be used as combustion catalyst in composite solid propellants to increase the combustion rate. If using t-Butylferrocene as combustion catalyst, the curing reaction rate and combustion rate of HTPB-base composite solid propellants is controllable. t-Butylferrocene can afford the composite solid propellant with good processing performance and mechanical property.
Total content , % (m/m):¡Ã94
Ferrocene £¬% (m/m):¡Â2.0
t-Butyl ferrocene£¬% (m/m):37.5¡¾2.5
ì£(t-Butyl) ferrocene£¬%(m/m):Measured Value
ß²(t-Butyl) ferrocene£¬%(m/m):¡Â5.0
Total Fe£¬%(m/m):20.0¡¾1.0
Total chlorine £¬%(m/m):¡ÂO£®5
Free acid£¬%(m/m) :¡ÂO£®02
Undissoluble in acetone , %(m/m):¡Â0.02
Inorganic Fe£¬%(m/m):¡Â0.05
Appearance:Brown-red oil-liking liquid
Industrial field additive
Yingkou Tanyun Chemical Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Phone +86-417-2821100
Fax +86-417-2827700
Homepage www.tanyun.com.cn
E-mail tysmy@hotmail.com
Address 200 meters of XinHu Street, Coastal Industrial Base Management Committee , Yingkou, Liaoning, China
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