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þðèäè÷åñêè?óñëóãè<, Total hexad chromium£¬1.5-4.5£¥(m£¯m); Total copper (into CuO) £¬50-60£¥(m£¯m) ">
Chemical Information Overview  |  Chemical Product  |  Chemical Raw Material  |  Chemical Company
CC Cr2Cu2O5 Q/TY.J08.04-2010
Copper chromite
Total hexad chromium£¬1.5-4.5£¥(m£¯m); Total copper (into CuO) £¬50-60£¥(m£¯m)
Uses£ºThe copper chromite is one of high efficient catalysts in organic reaction such as hydrogenating, dehydrating of organic compounds, cyclization, alkylation, transforming aniline into diphenylamine or preparation of caprolactam, and so on. It can also be used in the environment protection product, such as the catalyst to remove those organic wastes and carbon monoxide from waste gas generated by engine. In addition, it has been used in various composite solid propellants as one of efficient combustion catalyst in spaceflight and weapon industries.
Physical and chemical properties£º
1.1 Molecule formula£º Cr2Cu2O5
1.2 Molecule weight£º 311.08
1.3 Structure formula£º
1.4 Solubility in water£º0.5%
1.5 PH£º 5-7
1.6 Stability and reactivity£ºThe product is stable when it¡¯s in normal storing and operating condition , in room temperature and in hermetic container.
Total hexad chromium£¬£¥(m£¯m)1.5-4.5
Total triad chromium£¬£¥(m£¯m)38.5-43.5
Moisture £¬£¥(m£¯m)¡Â0.7
Total copper (into CuO) £¬£¥(m£¯m)50-60
Appearance:Brown-dark powder
Industrial field additive
Yingkou Tanyun Chemical Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Phone +86-417-2821100
Fax +86-417-2827700
Homepage www.tanyun.com.cn
E-mail tysmy@hotmail.com
Address 200 meters of XinHu Street, Coastal Industrial Base Management Committee , Yingkou, Liaoning, China
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