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Chemical Information Overview  |  Chemical Product  |  Chemical Raw Material  |  Chemical Company
10-Bromodecanoic acid
Purity £¬£¥ ¡Ã99 ¡Ã95
Uses£ºIt¡¯s used to synthetize Musk 105, r-decylic lactone and other chemical products.
Refined grade Industrial grade
Purity £¬£¥ ¡Ã99 ¡Ã95
Melting point £¬¡É ¡Ã41 ¡Ã40
Moisture £¬£¥(m/m) ¡Â0.5 ¡Â0.5
Appearance yellow-brown powder crystal
Physical and chemical properties:
1.1 Molecule formula: C10H19BrO2
1.2 Molecule weight: 251.16
Industrial field pharmaceutical
Yingkou Tanyun Chemical Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Phone +86-417-2821100
Fax +86-417-2827700
Homepage www.tanyun.com.cn
E-mail tysmy@hotmail.com
Address 200 meters of XinHu Street, Coastal Industrial Base Management Committee , Yingkou, Liaoning, China
There are no existing companies to distribute selected chemical product