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Biomass Granulator
Biomass Includes:
Biomass is simply any form of organic matter which can be used to produce energy. This obviously includes wood, sawdust and wood waste,however it also includes agricultural residues such as straws and grasses. Another growing biomass energy area is purpose grown energy crops such as miscanthus, switchgrass and hemp. All of these biomass materials can be converted into biomass pellets.

Pellet Making Request:
Making pellets is a skilled process, it needs the right equipment and operator knowledge. To produce quality durable pellets, the material must have a certain moisture content, and the necessary binding qualities. Lignin is the natural binder contained within all biomass. However some materials during pellet production require an additional binder.
Industrial field polyurethane(PU),waste & water treatment
Zhengzhou EP Machinery Co.,Ltd
Phone 0086-371-86111808
Fax 0086-371-86111858
Address No.4, 4th Floor, Building 1, No.131, Huanghe Road, Jinshui District
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