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Crop Oil Concentrate
Crop Oil Concentrate is a nonionic blend of special surfactants and a highly refined spray oil and is designed for use with a broad range of pesticids where an oil concentrate adjuvant is recommended.
Sugject to the cautionary statements set forth in the directions for use, Crop Oil Concentrate may be used with other pesticides and/or fertilizer products.
The addition of Crop Oil Concentrate to a spray tank improves pesticide application by modifying the wetting and deposition characteristics of the spray solution resulting in a more even and uniform spray deposit.
Crop Oil Concentrate can positively affect pesiticide spray application and pesticides efficacy.
Optimum application and effects, however, can ve influenced by the crop, pest, spray equipment, spray volume, pressure, droplet size, spray mixture and enviromental factors.
Consequently, it is recommended that careful observations of the spray deposit be made and adjuvant concentrations be adjusted acoordingly.
Boiling point: 625 to 830 'F
Freezing point: < 0'F
Specific Gravity: 0.869 gms/cc
Solubility: dispersible
Appearance & Odor: LT. yellow liquid, mineral oil odor
Industrial field others
Helena Chemical Co.
Phone 559-261-9030
Fax 559-261-9250
Homepage helenachemical-west.com
E-mail info@helenachemical-west.com
Address 7576 N. Ingram Ave., Ste. #101 Fresno, CA 93711
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