Banner Exchange web promotion with Infochems Inc.
We are looking for a partnership that share its vision to build, grow, and maintain the industry resources for information about chemicals.
Please send your banner including your web site information in order to upload it to our site.
We will put your company banner on our partnership section after our deliberate consideration.
infochems Inc.
Profile of Infochems Inc.
We are pleased to introduce our company.We are a chemical trading company having a chemical huge cross-referenced chemical database in Korea, which is just opened to the public and will be registered in more than 1300 search engine all over the world.
As the Internet has grown in size and complexity, Infochems Inc.(www.infochems.com) has offered consumers a fast, easy and efficient way to manage its vast resources in chemical industries.
Our database will be translated into Chinese and spanish version.www.infochems.com allows you to find over 150,000 chemical information from all over the world.
Our Banners! Choose one of them below.
130 x 40 pixels

200 x 50 pixels

470 x 60 pixels
